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Nov ICCF direktor za marketing
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TEMA: Nov ICCF direktor za marketing
Nov ICCF direktor za marketing pred 13 Let, 6 Mesecev  
Generalni sekretar ICCF dr. Michael Millstone je sporočil, da je ICCF izbral novega direktorja za marketing. Po zelo uspešnem delu, ki ga je v zadnjem letu opravil (in potem odstopil) Nemec dr. Uwe Staroske, je ta položaj prevzel njegov rojak Hansjürgen Baum.

Baum bo to delo opravljal do kongresa 2011, potem pa bo kongres na volitvah tako ali tako odločal o vseh položajih v ICCF, kajti spet prihaja volilno leto.

Dear ICCF Delegates, Officials, and Correspondence Chess Players,

On behalf of our President, Eric Ruch, and the entire Executive Board, I am very pleased to announce the selection of Mr. Hansjürgen Baum (GER) to the position of ICCF Marketing Director.

The selection is effective immediately and his term will last until the 2011 ICCF Congress, when elections will be held for all positions.

Mr. Baum has offered the following brief biographical sketch and I am sure you will all discover more about him and the ICCF Marketing plans in the near future.

2 kids, daughter 27, son: 25
Formerly interpreter for simultaneous translation and Director of a Social Welfare Organisation
Living in the southern part of the "Schwarzwald" the famous Black Forest near the Swiss border
Sports: Mountainbiking and Body Building with an intense training program - both
Temporarily working for Professional Colleges (Lycées Professionels) and other colleges in France
Languages: French, German and English
Literature: French literature of the 18th and 19th century
Chess: IM for Correspondence Chess


Dr. Michael Millstone
ICCF General Secretary
Consciousness is Power
Objav: 428
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Pojdi na vrhStran: 1

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